

Many deals sound too good to be true - generally because they are !!


Many deals sound too good to be true - generally because they are !!

Many deals sound too good to be true – generally because they are. Most zero percent finance offers certainly fall into that category. They are definitely a good marketing strategy – because they increase inquiry rates at dealerships – but they are seldom a good deal for customers.
Zero percent finance is actually a form of ‘sub-vented finance’ – where the interest is actually paid indirectly to the financier. In practice, how this works is the dealer pays the interest to the financier from the profit out of the sale of the new boat. This is why, when a purchase is completed using a zero percent offer, there is little room, if any, to negotiate on the price of the vessel.
When choosing finance it is essential to look at the overall deal rather than do what the marketers want – which is to see you focus exclusively on the zero.
Generally, [...]

A Brief Explanation of Credit Scores

Your credit score is like a numeric grade that indicates where your credit history stands at a specific point in time.

Your credit card balance is more than just the amount of money you owe to your credit card issuer. Your credit card balances have a direct impact on your credit score. As the credit card balance updated on your credit report changes, your credit score can fluctuate, too.

A Brief Explanation of Credit Scores Your credit score is like a numeric grade that indicates where your credit history stands at a specific point in time. The credit score is based on information about your credit card, loan, and other debt accounts listed in your credit report. Things like the account balance, payment history, credit limit, and age of the account are listed on your credit report and used to calculate your credit score. Each factor is given a different weight in calculating your credit score: Payment history counts 35% [...]
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